A curated list of digital accessibility resources

This is an opinionated list of good accessibility resources for people that want to do some self-learning about accessibility. My goal is to keep this list extremely short, so I had to make hard decisions about what to include and what to leave out. There are a lot of great resources that I'm not listing here.

Your high-level goal for standards should be to learn what sort of information each standard talks about and how they are structured so that you can use them as a reference when searching for an answer. It's impossible to memorize them all.

This is completely new to me


Standards can be complex and hard to read, and therefore are often only referenced as a last resort. I'd argue that they should be consulted first. They are the most authorative source of how things should work. Some browsers, screen readers, and assistive technology don't always provide full support for the standard, but more often then not, they trend in the direction of support. To provide the absolute best expierence for users, you will need to code to the standards (for forwards compatability), and shim any significant gaps in support (for example, that prevent access) in a way that is also forwards compatible.


Education and General Resources


I need to start this with a disclaimer. Accessibility is not a checklist. Everyone always asks me for a checklist, which is why I'm including this list. Everything that is in WCAG 2.1 should be on the checklist. As much as you or I might want it to be simpler than that, it just isn't. Remember that WCAG is a minimum requirement and doesn't cover everything. You should do acceptance testing and research with people with disabilities. That being said, you might find the following helpful.

More lists

Honorable mentions

These are great resources that don't quite fit in the other lists. I can't include everything, but here are some more resources that are worth mentioning.

Created by Michael Fairchild